Měla jsem připravenej novej článek na čtyři strany formátu A4, nakonec jsem ale usoudila, že ne všechno se hodí na Internet a po vypsání svých myšlenkových pochodů se mi ulevilo tak, že mě potřeba to s vámi sdílet opustila. Něco málo jsem ale nakousla v předminulým postu na Instagramu, tak tam můžete kouknout. Každopádně už to jsou dva týdny, co jsem zpět ve Skotsku, zkoušku jsem si odbyla hned pár dní po příjezdu a najednou mě zavalila hromada volnýho času, se kterým neumím moc nakládat. Celkově teď prostě nemám úplně nejlepší období a tak nějak se v tom všem motám. S tím souvisí i moje nedávná blogová (ne)aktivita. Najednou mi celej tenhle blogovej svět přišel absurdní a nesmyslnej. Asi jsem teď sama jenom proti sobě, ale nevidím jedinej důvod, proč něco předstírat, když mám tu možnost říct vám pravdu. Myslím, že i za mnoha mými posty se skrývá faleš, i když třeba naprosto nechtěná a neúmyslná. Když jde člověk s proudem, tak nějak zapomíná na všechny ty chyby, kterých se dopouští. A zase si protiřečím, vlastně i se samotným názvem blogu. Upřímně jsem nikdy moc nezapadala do žádné škatulky, ať už chtěně nebo ne. I blog jsem se snažila vést tak nějak po svým, jenže s tím obrovským návalem nekonečných kvant mediálního obsahu je těžký udržet si vlastní identitu. Možná se ptáte, kam tímhle vším směřuju...Řeknu vám to asi takhle, sama nevím a budu ráda, když mi dáte chvilku na to, najít balanc a vymyslet, jak to bude dál. Moc ráda si ale poslechnu vaše názory na blogování takový, jaký ho známe dnes.
//I had a four pages long article prepared for you, but at the end I assumed that not everything is suitable for being publish on the web. Furthermore, I felt quite relieved after writing everything down and so I lost the urgent need of sharing it with you anyway. I wrote a short comment regarding the same topic below my second last post on Instagram though, so you can chect it out. Anyway, It's already been two weeks since I returned to Scotland, the exam I was preparing for took place few days after my return and suddenly, I've had plenty of free time I haven't known what to do with. Overall, I've not been having the best time recently to be honest and it has also reflected on my poor blog activity. All the blogger world suddenly started to seem so absurd and pointless to me. I know that my words obviously don't line up with my acts, but I don't have any single reason to pretend something when I can be saying truth. I think that there is definitely some fakeness hidden behind some of my posts albeit completely unintentionally. When a person goes with a flow, he somehow forgets all the mistakes he does. To be completely honest, I've never belonged to any certain "box" , but it is damn so hard to keep your own identity nowadays, especially in this online world where trends spread incredibly quickly. You may be asking what I want say by all these sentences....well, neither I really know. The only thing I can now tell you is that I need some more time to find balance and decide which directions I want to take. Anyway, tell me what you think about today's blogger world, I'm curious.
//I had a four pages long article prepared for you, but at the end I assumed that not everything is suitable for being publish on the web. Furthermore, I felt quite relieved after writing everything down and so I lost the urgent need of sharing it with you anyway. I wrote a short comment regarding the same topic below my second last post on Instagram though, so you can chect it out. Anyway, It's already been two weeks since I returned to Scotland, the exam I was preparing for took place few days after my return and suddenly, I've had plenty of free time I haven't known what to do with. Overall, I've not been having the best time recently to be honest and it has also reflected on my poor blog activity. All the blogger world suddenly started to seem so absurd and pointless to me. I know that my words obviously don't line up with my acts, but I don't have any single reason to pretend something when I can be saying truth. I think that there is definitely some fakeness hidden behind some of my posts albeit completely unintentionally. When a person goes with a flow, he somehow forgets all the mistakes he does. To be completely honest, I've never belonged to any certain "box" , but it is damn so hard to keep your own identity nowadays, especially in this online world where trends spread incredibly quickly. You may be asking what I want say by all these sentences....well, neither I really know. The only thing I can now tell you is that I need some more time to find balance and decide which directions I want to take. Anyway, tell me what you think about today's blogger world, I'm curious.
Zajimavej clanek! Mas na jednu stranu pravdu, ale na druhou stranu mi vazne prijde kazdej blog nejakym zpusobem jedinecnej, nevim jak to vidis ty, ale ja mam takovej pocit. Taky mi to nekdy prijde absurdni..., ale na druhou stranu si alepson ja delam to, co me bavi a co chci, ale jeste se nad tim urcite budu dumat, diky za tenhle clanek. :)
OdpovědětVymazatSandra / http://shineoffashion.com