Modern interest in the monster was sparked by a sighting on 22 July 1933, when George Spicer and his wife saw "a most extraordinary form of animal" cross the road in front of their car. They described the creature as having a large body (about 4 feet high and 25 feet long) and a long, wavy, narrow neck, slightly thicker than an elephant's trunk and as long as the 10–12-foot width of the road. They saw no limbs. It lurched across the road towards the loch 20 yards away, leaving a trail of broken undergrowth in its wake.
Když mi kamarádka oznámila, že má lístek navíc na vyprodaný zájezd do Loch Ness a Inverness, doslova jsem skákala radostí, protože jsem se tam chtěla už dlouho podívat! Další ráno jsme nasedly do autobusu a za necelý tři hodiny už si dělaly selfíčka s Lochneskou příšerou, tedy Nessie. Jezero Loch je obrovské a míst, ze kterých se ním můžete kochat je nespočet. My jsme zastavily v Drumnadrochitu, hlavním turistickým centru, kde je mimo jiné i Loch Ness muzeum a obchod se suvenýry.
//When my friend told me that she had one ticket left for the sold-out trip to Loch Ness I really wanted to go on, I was literally dying from happiness! We got on a bus next morning and found ourselves taking selfies with Nessie, the Loch Ness monster, in less than three hours. Loch Ness is huge and there are also many spots you can observe the lake from. Our bus parked in Drumnadrochit, the main touristic centre with Loch Ness museum and souvenir shops.
Další zastávkou bylo město Inverness, který mě moc mile překvapilo svou malebností a rozhodně doporučuje stavit se při návštěvě Loch Ness i tam. Kdyby se někdo přece jenom nudil chozením po městě, dokonce i v Inverness mají Primark nebo starej dobrej "Mekáč".
//The next stop was a town called Inverness that nicely surprised me with its picturesqueness and I can definitely recommend to take a visit when travelling to Loch Ness. If someone was tired of strolling though the town, even in Inverness there is Primark and well-known McDonald's.
To je tak krásný! Já bych se tam hrozně chtěla podívat i toho turistického plyšáka bych si koupila :)))
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