Na přelomu července a srpna jsem společně s mamkou a našimi přáteli byla na Sicílie. Shodou okolností je to už druhý vulkanický ostrov, který jsem během tohoto léta navštívila, na rozdíl od Lanzarote je ale Sicílie stále sopečně aktivní. I když se v tomhle případě jednalo spíše o pohodovou dovolenou než nějaký adventure, výstup na Etnu jsme si nemohli nechat ujít. Paradoxně nadmořská výška, které jsme dosáhly, čítala 2600 m.n.m. a já se tak ocitla nejvýš, kdy jsem kdy byla. Samotný vrchol sopky leží ve 3300 metrech nad mořem a jelikož je Etna velkým turistickým lákadlem, je možné do této výšky vyjet jeepem a projít se kolem těch nejvýše položenýh kráterů za doprovodu průvodce. Další, o něco menší výlet jsme podnikli do malebného městečka Taorminy, kde jsme kromě několika obchůdků a kaváren navštívili i řecké divadlo založené na Sicílii řeckými kolonizátory. Většinu času jsme trávili na pláži nebo v moři. Relaxovali jsme, přecpávali se čtyř-chodovými večeřemi, sem tam si zašli na drink a prostě si užívali léta. Kdybych měla program v režii já, navštívila bych ještě Palermo (už jenom k vůli kultovní hře "Městečko Palermo") a popřípadě bych strávila více času k Katánii, kterou jsme jenom projížděli autobusem.
//Few weeks ago I went to Sicily together with my mum and some friends of ours. It happend to be the second volcanic island I've been to this summer, but unlike Lanzarote, Sicily is still volcanically active. Even though the main purpose of this holiday was just chilling, we couldn't miss out a trip to the Etna mountain. I should point out the fact that we reached the highest altitude I've ever found myself in and that was 2600 metres above sea level. The peak of the volcano lies in 3300 metres above sea level and since Etna is interlaced with tourism, you can quite easily get there by jeep together with experienced quide. Other, a bit shorter, trip we set on was to town called Taormina. We took a nice walk through the town, visited some local shops and stalls, had lunch, and last but not least went to a Greek theatre that was built there by Greek colonizers. We spent most of the time at the beach. We were relaxing, eating like crazy and filling our bellies up with four courses served for dinner, and just having fun. If the organisation was fully in my hands, I'd go to Palermo and possibly spend more time in Catania we only passed though by bus.
//Few weeks ago I went to Sicily together with my mum and some friends of ours. It happend to be the second volcanic island I've been to this summer, but unlike Lanzarote, Sicily is still volcanically active. Even though the main purpose of this holiday was just chilling, we couldn't miss out a trip to the Etna mountain. I should point out the fact that we reached the highest altitude I've ever found myself in and that was 2600 metres above sea level. The peak of the volcano lies in 3300 metres above sea level and since Etna is interlaced with tourism, you can quite easily get there by jeep together with experienced quide. Other, a bit shorter, trip we set on was to town called Taormina. We took a nice walk through the town, visited some local shops and stalls, had lunch, and last but not least went to a Greek theatre that was built there by Greek colonizers. We spent most of the time at the beach. We were relaxing, eating like crazy and filling our bellies up with four courses served for dinner, and just having fun. If the organisation was fully in my hands, I'd go to Palermo and possibly spend more time in Catania we only passed though by bus.
Ubytovaní jsme byli v hotelu Baya Degli Dei, kterej můžu doporučit všem, kterým nevadí absence bazénu, nepotrpí si na velkej luxus, ale zato uvítají milý personál a výborné jídlo. Letovisko Giardini Naxos je podle mě taky fajn volbou pro všechny, co si chtějí užít klidnou dovolenou, ale zároveň se nedá říct, že by tam úplně "zdechl pes".
//We were accommodated in the hotel Baya Degli Dey that I can recommend to everyone who doesn't mind absence of a swimming pool and doesn't need big luxury, but apreciate friendly staff and delicious food. The hotel was located in Giardini Naxos, a town that it's not too busy and noisy, but doesn't lack a good number of bars and restaurants either.
//We were accommodated in the hotel Baya Degli Dey that I can recommend to everyone who doesn't mind absence of a swimming pool and doesn't need big luxury, but apreciate friendly staff and delicious food. The hotel was located in Giardini Naxos, a town that it's not too busy and noisy, but doesn't lack a good number of bars and restaurants either.
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