Jak jsem tak postřehla, kdo letos nebyl na Santorini, jako by ani nebyl. Nemám pravdu? Jako správná blogerka a insta hvězdička jsem nemohla zůstat pozadu, že jo. ;) Ale teď vážně, mamka o společné dovolené na Santorini snila už několik let, ale až letos to opravdu vyšlo. Byla to pohodička a stejně jako ostatní řecké ostrovy, i Santori je krásné a má jedinečnou atmosféru. Ubytované jsme byly v oblasti Perissa, a to konkrétně v hotelu Amaryllis, který můžu doporučit všemi deseti všem, kteří ocení rodinnou atmosféru, přátelský přístup personálu a stylový interiér. Perissa je, podle mé zkušenosti, narozdíl od vedlejšího Kamari klidnější, pláže jsou vzdušnější a vstup do vody mírnější. V obou lokalitých najdete hrubý černý písek, který je pro santorinské pláže typický. Mezi Perissou a Kamari je možné cestovat lodí a autem, přímá autobusová linka mezi nimi nevede. Nejlepší možnost, která se nabízí je pěšky, a to přes horu tvořící dělící linii mezi oběmi oblastmi. Celá trasa vede po úpatí hory a nabízí nádherné výhledy do okolí. Cesta sama o sobě není nijak moc náročná ani dlouhá, jen jste téměř nepřetržitě vytaveni přímému slunečnímu záření, což je poměrně vyčerpávající. Ale stojí to za to, fakt, že jo! :) Jeden den jsme si půjčily auto a projely v podstatě téměř celý ostrov. Nejprve jsme dojely do hlavního měsra - Firy, kde jsme se chvíly usadily v kavárně s výhledem na kalderu,. Hlavním bodem našeho výletu byla Oía, městečko které proslavilo Santorini tak, jak ho známe z fotek. Co nám ale už většina fotek neukáže je to množství turistů šermujících okolo sebe selfie tyčema a řady, které je třeba vystát k vyfocení těch nejznámějších kompozic. Někdy je třeba opravdu brát to, co vidíme na sociálních sítích s rezervou. I přes to má ale městěčko pořád své kouzlo a atmosféru, na kterou bude těžké někde jindy ve světě narazit. Jsem moc ráda, že jsem měla možnost Oíu vidět na vlastní oči a udělat si o ní vlastní obrázek. V pozdním odpoledni jsme se ocitly na jihu ostrova na takzvané Red Beach, tvořené načervenalou horninou, která byla příjemnou změnou od těch klasických černých. Asi tolik k Santorini. Kdyby vás jěště cokoliv jiného zajímalo, neváhejte mi napsat. :)
I feel like going to Santorini has become almost an obligation this year, hasn't it? It seriously looks like every influencer jumped on a plane to the Greek island just in order to not miss out. Visiting Santorini had been a big dream of my mum for many years, but wasn't realized until this summer. Santorini, as well as other Greek islands, got me by its chilled vibe and atmosphere. We were staying in a part of Santorini called Perissa in a beautiful hotel Amaryllis that I can only recommend! Perissa is, in my opinion, more quiet and chilled than neighboring Kamari. Both locations are famous for beaches with black sand. Again, I feel like the beaches in Perissa are less crowded and the access to the sea is better. Kamari and Perrisa are not linked by a straight bus line but there's a boat connecting these two. The best way though is the trail leading across the mountain, providing stunning views. The trail is just a few kilometers long and it's really worth taking it. We also rented a car for one whole day that was enough to explore the whole island. Our first stop was the capital - Fira, located not too far away from Oía, well-known for its Instagram-friendly locations. Looking like a tranquil paradise on the majority of photos, Oía is, in reality, actually overcrowded with people queuing for getting their photos taken at the most famous spots. It's important to realize that not everything we see on social media is the same in the real life. However, Oía has still its unique atmosphere that would be hard to find anywhere else in the world and I'm really glad that I had an opportunity to see this "instagrammers' paradise" through my own eyes. Later on in the afternoon, we took a road down south to the Red Beach having a completely different character that the usual black ones. And that's pretty much for my Santorini trip, feel free to leave a comment if there's anything else you'd like to know. :)
I feel like going to Santorini has become almost an obligation this year, hasn't it? It seriously looks like every influencer jumped on a plane to the Greek island just in order to not miss out. Visiting Santorini had been a big dream of my mum for many years, but wasn't realized until this summer. Santorini, as well as other Greek islands, got me by its chilled vibe and atmosphere. We were staying in a part of Santorini called Perissa in a beautiful hotel Amaryllis that I can only recommend! Perissa is, in my opinion, more quiet and chilled than neighboring Kamari. Both locations are famous for beaches with black sand. Again, I feel like the beaches in Perissa are less crowded and the access to the sea is better. Kamari and Perrisa are not linked by a straight bus line but there's a boat connecting these two. The best way though is the trail leading across the mountain, providing stunning views. The trail is just a few kilometers long and it's really worth taking it. We also rented a car for one whole day that was enough to explore the whole island. Our first stop was the capital - Fira, located not too far away from Oía, well-known for its Instagram-friendly locations. Looking like a tranquil paradise on the majority of photos, Oía is, in reality, actually overcrowded with people queuing for getting their photos taken at the most famous spots. It's important to realize that not everything we see on social media is the same in the real life. However, Oía has still its unique atmosphere that would be hard to find anywhere else in the world and I'm really glad that I had an opportunity to see this "instagrammers' paradise" through my own eyes. Later on in the afternoon, we took a road down south to the Red Beach having a completely different character that the usual black ones. And that's pretty much for my Santorini trip, feel free to leave a comment if there's anything else you'd like to know. :)
Zaujímavý članok ! :)
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